Sun 4 Dec 2011
The Night Watch
Posted by samenthoven under Sam in Japan
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On my first, daylight visit to Asakusa I was short of time, the rain was slashing down and the place was packed. My second was much nicer.
The crowds were almost gone, so the souvenir and snack shops of Nakamise Street were closing up…
…but in their night-time lighting the temple buildings…
…looked magical.
This, below, is a view of the north (back) face of the Hozomon:
See those giant sandals? They belong to the Buddha’s bodyguards, the Nio. Everyone else might be heading home, but at each gate the Nio were still standing watch against evil, ready at any moment to come to life…
… and take their full size…
…with swift and horrifying consequences.
I could see it would be prudent to keep any evil thoughts to myself. ;D