Archive for March, 2011

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Armchair Location Scout

No doubt about it, choosing and researching awesome places in which to set scenes of stories is a lot easier in the internet age. This week I was lucky enough to stumble across TENDER.IS/THE.NIGHT, an astonishing urban exploration / photography site. Hit the link and prepare to be amazed. Here’s a taste: This is Albert […]

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Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

Speaking Of Swordfights

Well, I did it: zero draft of the haunted house thing is complete. My plan now is to put it to one side and work on something else for a bit, in a bid to build the necessary objectivity and creative juice to administer the Frankensteinian major surgery and spark of life this beast will […]

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Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

The Captain Speaking

This week – unless my sorry brains finally squirt out of my ears first – I intend to finish the zero draft of my haunted house story. NB: the zero draft is not the first draft. If the zero draft had feelings it would be wishing on stars and hoping to become a first draft, […]

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Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Knackered But Happy

I’ve received two wonderfully heartening messages about how all my events this past week went… Mrs E Roberts, English and Humanities Learning Co-ordinator at (all new!) Heartlands High School, Haringey, said: “The feedback from the pupils was outstanding!  They were unanimous in their opinion on the day: they loved it! Many of the pupils are […]

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