Archive for September, 2010

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Credible Incredible Worlds

Hello to Marite from Mexico, who got in touch this week to ask the following questions: When you write, you think of incredible worlds? I write what I love – stories that contain a lot of action and fantastical elements, particularly (heh!) monsters. So: a lot of my job as a writer, I think, is […]

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Monday, September 20th, 2010


I have joined a gang. Over the coming months I’m going to be teaming up with some of the finest writers of thrilling new books for young people around right now. If you want to meet Alexander Gordon Smith, Jon Mayhew, Alex Bell, Steve Feasey, Alex Milway, Sarwat Chadda (and, er, me) then The Crystal […]

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Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

All Hail the Mighty WebSphinx!

My brilliant mate Katie, who designs and maintains all my websites, is about to head off on maternity leave. Before she does, she’s just completed a mammoth list of updates. If you check out the sites for The Black Tattoo, Tim, Defender of the Earth and Crawlers you’ll find that all broken links have now […]

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Saturday, September 11th, 2010

It Begins…

A new Phase Five is underway. I’ll tell you more as soon as I can, but for now suffice it to say that for the whole of last week I spent all my writing time reading fashion magazines for research. For a man who has basically worn variations on the same outfit for the last […]

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Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

The State Of The Plan

I’ve been assessing the progress of my Sinister Masterplan to Conquer the Universe. Phase One: The Black Tattoo. I’m delighted to say that I recently accepted an offer from a company who want to translate and publish the book in Indonesia. I’ve also been receiving some wonderful and heartening messages lately in the Black Tat […]

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