Thu 22 Apr 2010
Hackney Horror! and Colchester Calamity!
Posted by samenthoven under Events and Appearances
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Very excited as I get ready for… this!
As well as the theatre event in the evening (and an impromptu appearance from yours truly at Stoke Newington School‘s assembly in the morning!) the three of us – that’s Steve Feasey, William Hussey and I – are doing two sessions at Mossbourne Community Academy. It’ll be my second visit to Mossbourne: last time was great fun, so I’m very happy to be coming back. 😀
Then on Saturday William Hussey and m’self are off to Waterstone’s in Colchester. We’ll be there from about half past two, signing books and chatting to whoever comes along.
If you, reading this, can make it to either of these events, then by all means please do. I’ll be very pleased to eat – I mean, meet you!