This Tues 15th Feb I’ll be testing my new short story Family out on a live audience for the very first time at Freedom of Expression, a fantastic variety night at The Green Dragon in Croydon.

At half an hour in total this will be the longest public reading I’ve done so far, and by quite a stretch: as anyone who’s seen me do my stuff before will know, while my talks last around an hour, up ’til now I’ve kept my actual readings down to around five mins a go. This will be an experiment – and right now I don’t mind telling you I’m a little nervous about it! Still: also on the bill will be singer-songwriters Chris Parr and my friend the brilliant Adrian Taylor – so even if my own performance crashes and burns I still know it’s going to be a good night! 😀

Hope to see you there?? Mean time, here’s something I just posted to Trapped By Monsters about some great comics I’ve read lately…